Objective of the event:
The event has been organized with the main goal to foster collaboration to advance in the field
Introduction: welcome with presentation on face of the patient
Scientific session: presentations from researcher teams
Discussion topics:
Prospect for therapeutics
Possibility of studying Patient - derived cells or CRISPr edited cells
- Summary Provided by Dr. Casandra Hernández-Reyes -
Jennifer Hamilton
- Canadian former Research Scientist
- Biotechnology Venture capital
- Business development in Big Pharma
Paolo Mencherini
- MSc Engineer
- Technical Manager at Covestro Deutschland AG
Dr. Kate Baker
Programme Leader Track at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit,
University of Cambridge
BINGO research program brings together Psychology, Genetics and Neurology. In addition, it can help to understand how different TRIO mutations affect different brain areas and functions with the future perspective of creating new assessment methods to help our kids and/or other family members with ID.
Please fill the online questionnaire to take part of this incredible program to find out how specific TRIO gene differences affect individual's Intellectual Disability (ID):
Who can enrol? TRIO patients 3+ years
Diana Baralle MD
Assoc. Dean (Research)
Professor, Genomic Medicine
Gabriella Gazdagh
Consultant, Clinical Genetics
University of Southampton
Acknowledgements: Anne Godwin and Matthew Guille
European Xenopus Resource Centre, School of Biological Sciences, University of Portsmouth
TRIO Clinical Research Project (University of Southampton)
This is important to correlate genotype (gene modifications) to phenotype (appearance). Therefore, the aim is to extend and document the range of clinical cases linked to the TRIO gene.
New information will help to describe what to expect in the future via adding adult cases (almost no cases registered), improve patient care and develop new targeted treatments.
Who can enrol?
ALL TRIO patients (the more, the better!!!) Every single case counts!!! Especially adults having a TRIO gene mutation are very important.
Xenopus model
Xenopus are also used as a model system to study the effect of single mutations in the overall development. By using other model systems, researchers can obtain more and faster information about the impact of presenting an specific TRIO mutation.
The DEBANT Research Team - CNRS Montpellier, FRANCE
Present members: Pauline BOIROUX; Marion BONHOMME; Maxime BONNET; Jérôme BOUDEAU; Franck COMUNALE; Anne DEBANT; Aline HAETTY; Susanne SCHMIDT
Anne Debant, Research Director; Susanne Schmidt, Sr Scientist
Centre de Recherche en Biologie Cellulaire de Montpellier, University of Montpellier, France
This group is interested in how neurons develop and how they change their shape to form connections.
Neuroblast are the precursor cells of the neurons. They migrate and differentiate into neurites (small extensions coming out of the cell body). One of the neurites will turn into an axon that guides the cell in its environment. Dendrites are the sites of contact with the neighboring axons.
TRIO gene
controls axon outgrowth, guidance and synaptogenesis.
is the contact of two neurons and its very important for the transmission of information.
In patients with intellectual disability (ID) and attention deficit disorder (ASD), the synaptic functions are altered.
The remodeling of the neurons shape
requires remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton that is regulated by a protein family, the Rho GTPases.
TRIO is a RhoGEF, an activator of Rho GTPases and a major regulator of neurodevelopment.
TRIO missense variants
are found clustered into two main groups
Cluster 1: Higher activation of PAK1 leading to neurite outgrowth à Severe ID/ASD and macrocephaly
Cluster 2: Lower activation of PAK1 leading to reduced neurite outgrowth à Milder ID/ and microcephaly
TRIO is essential for mouse development
Therefore, mice are also used as a model system to study the effect of single mutations in the overall development. By using other model systems, researchers can obtain more and faster information about the impact of presenting an specific TRIO mutation.
Fibroblasts are cells that produce collagen. This research group from the Montpellier University collects tissue samples from patients (and parents) to reprogram and differentiate fibroblasts into neurons in cell cultures. The purpose is to see differences in growth and guidance of neurites by comparing different neuron cells presenting a single TRIO mutation. Their results can help us to understand how a specific TRIO mutation alters neuron development and synaptogenesis
Bruce Herring
PhD, Assistant Professor, Neurobiology
University of Southern California
The Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (RhoGEF) TRIO
promotes actin polymerization by directly activating the small GTPase Rac1. Recent studies suggest that autism spectrum disorder (ASD)-related behavioral phenotypes in animal models of ASD can be produced by dysregulation of Rac1’s control of actin polymerization at glutamatergic synapses. Here, in humans, Herring and his team discovered a large cluster of ASD-related de novo mutations in Trio’s Rac1 activating domain, GEF1.
The pathogenicity of many TRIO
mutations is uncertain. Herring´s research group is interested in identifying mutations that alter TRIO functions by a novel structure-based approach.
This means, they can predict in silico (computer simulation) how certain mutations can modify TRIO function.
Anthony Koleske
PhD, Professor, Molecular Biochemistry and Biophysics
Yale University
Various studies
report that many neuropsychiatric disorders are characterized by dendritic and synaptic pathology, including abnormal spine density and morphology, synapse loss, and aberrant synaptic signaling and plasticity.
Koleske´s lab is focused in identifying players that control dendrite and synapse development and elucidate the mechanisms by which they function.
Specific locations of TRIO mutations associated with various neurodevelopmental disorders. Interestingly, mutations to TRIO cluster in distinct regions of the gene, many clustering around the area encoding the first GEF domain. Solid lines indicate missense mutations; dotted lines indicate nonsense mutations. BPD, bipolar disorder; ASD, autism spectrum disorder; ID, intellectual disability; DD, developmental delay; SCZ, schizophrenia.
Jun Li
Professor, Peking University Inst. Mental Health, Beijing China
TRIO GEF1-mediated signaling
is essential and necessary for interneuron migration (IN) in a SDFɑ/CXCRA dependent manner.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)-related TRIO mutation is involved in excessive/inhibitory (E/I) balance and autism-like behaviors which is due to specific defects of embryonic GABAergic Ins migration in a cell autonomous manner.
Prof. Jun Li and his team are studying how correcting the E/I imbalance via activation of GABA signaling could rescue the behavioral deficit in mice with ASD-related TRIO GEF1 hypofunction.
Laboratorio di Genetica Molecolare del Neurosviluppo - Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Molecolari e Scienze per la Salute, Università di Torino. Members: Prof. Giorgio Roberto Merlo; Carla Liaci; Mattia Camera; Giovanni Caslini; Simona Rando; Lucia Prandi.
Giorgio Merlo, PhD, Professor
Carla Liaci, PhD Student
Universita di Torino, Italy
Prof. Merlo´s Team
uses Human Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC) from rare patients through reprogramming or healthy patients through mutagenesis.
From iPSC they can investigate and answer questions related to:
- Proliferation;
- Differentiation and morphology;
- Network formation and electrical activity.